
The future of the Fachverbandes MdT

The future of the Fachverbandes MdT

Does the Fachverband have a future? One thing is for sure: everything is changing We all share a love of dance meditation, whether you are a member of the FV or not. This love unites us. We are looking for new ways to network and connect. Below you will find the presentation that Jeaneth de Witte...

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JHV 24 – Are you dancing with us?

JHV 24 – Are you dancing with us?

Will you dance with us? The annual general meeting of the Meditation of Dance Association will take place on the weekend of March 15-17. All members have now received an invitation. For years, it has been customary to organize a dance workshop on this weekend. This year we have a new format: the...

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Professional Association Workshop “Being Connected

Professional Association Workshop “Being Connected

September 8 - 10, 2023 with Friedel Kloke Eibl and Saskia Kloke "Everything is connected and has a purpose.Although this sense is usually hidden,we know,that we are close to our mission on earth,when our actions are influenced by theenergy of enthusiasm permeates."Paolo Coelho This weekend, let us...

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Annual meeting 2023 and open Workshop

Annual meeting 2023 and open Workshop

17 - 19 March 2023 " Moving into the unknown" with Sandra Pawlig and Froukje Anjema "I said to the angel:Give me a light, so that I may dance safelyI can dance towards uncertainty.But he answered:Dance in the darknessand put your right handinto the hand of Godand take your left handthe hand of...

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New secretary in the board team

New secretary in the board team

As of 18 March 2022, we have a new secretary on the board team: Regina Keßler introduces herself:Why I am engaged in the Fachverband: Viktor E. Frankl recognised: "Man asks and ultimately searches for meaning."For me, Meditatin des Tanzes is, is an answer to the question of sense, because that is...

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Annual Meeting 2022 and Open Workshop

Annual Meeting 2022 and Open Workshop

18. – 20. March 2022 „The path of the heart“ ...and if I did not have love, I would be nothing.... 1. Korinther 13,1 withJeaneth de Witte-Smit & Markus Sellner Place: Haus Mariengrund, Münster "Love is an indestructible force, the strongest in the universe. We dance the way to grow into this...

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